Opening Hours

Animal Viewing Hours:
Monday - Saturday: 10am - 3pm

General Hours: 
Most Days: 9am - 5pm
Wednesdays:  10am - 5pm
CLOSED: Sundays and Public Holidays

Our Shelter will be closed to the public the first Wednesday of each month.


Bushfire and other extreme weather related Emergency Advice

Being ‘extreme weather’ prepared is crucial for us here in the ACT. Ideally you already have an emergency kit and an evacuation plan for your family but don’t forget to prepare a plan to care for your pets. 

Extreme weather event situations are extremely stressful, making it difficult to make rational decisions regarding the safety of your pets. Having a clear plan already in place for your pets is the best preparation. 

RSPCA ACT has created a Pet Emergency Checklist for you to download and we recommend you complete it now, before any potential emergency arrives. 

We also recommend you:  

  • Make sure everyone in your home is familiar with and agrees with your Pet Emergency Checklist. 

  • Keep a copy of the checklist readily available and easy to find, like on the fridge or in a kitchen drawer. 

  • Consider practising your bushfire preparedness and extreme weather evacuation plan and include your pets. 

  • Keep across the latest bushfire and extreme weather advice by listening to ABC Radio Canberra 666, calling the ACT Emergency Services Australia hotline: 132 500 or following ACTESA on Facebook. 

  • If you cannot evacuate with your pets, have a clear message prepared to alert emergency services of your pet’s location. 

Please keep you and your pets safe all year round and in all weather conditions.